
The Lighthouse Keeper and music

The Lighthouse Keeper animation I found at Share Some Candy blog.

Last weekend I was at two concerts, I saw (and heard) Nana Kitade in Poznan and IAMX (and Noblesse Oblige as a support) in Warsaw. Some photos you may see at main blog, sorry for poor quality.
Nana Kitade with I don't know what song, sorry, and my poor poor video made with a phone, but I hope sound is quite nice (I know I shouldn't have done this video, but dudes, I just had to!).
'Ghosts of Utopia' by IAMX live at Warsaw (I was there, on the right, don't know, but maybe there are my arms somewhere...).
'President' IAMX, Warsaw also. Chris was just amazing. <3



Pomorze Zachodnie

Wczoraj wróciłam z pierwszej wycieczki po Pomorzu Zachodnim. Byliśmy w Pogorzelicy, Wolinie, Niechorzu, Trzęsaczu, Trzebiatowie, Świnoujściu oraz w kilku innych mniejszych miejscowościach. Program wyjazdu był naprawdę ciekawy, super atmosfera, piękna willa Toskana...

Zdjęcie zrobione przez Agatę, na plaży w Trzęsaczu, podczas zbierania muszelek.

For more check out our main blog.

With love, J.



This Sunday my friend Nayru and I were at Miyavi’s concert in Gdańsk. Miyavi was singing 2 hours, he did 3 unpublished songs.
He was just amazing. Encore!

He sang 'Gravity' after a minute silence for Japan, it was the best. 

With love
see more photos at our main blog.


Strange yet interesting

This will be another interesting video I went into while going through Share Some Candy blog. It’s a film made by SugimotoKousuke - ‘The TV Show’. I really like how all shows mix together and all became one big disaster. 

For more check out our main blog.



While going through Share Some Candy blog I went into Blu project. I think they are really amazing. So now instead of doing project for interior design I’m watching their works. Say, why wouldn’t I do this project earlier? Well, I think I was kind of busy. Movies can’t be watched while doing something else at the same laptop. And what did I watch? ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and ‘The Runaways’. The first film made me eat all chocolate cake I had, and the second one made me want to have a band. The truth is my friend Nayru and I want to have a band. She started practising playing electric guitar, and I, well, I don’t practise singing. I don’t also really know how to sing. Oh well, I’ll be artistic and that’ll be it. 

And of course check our main blog.



Vocaloids and news

We thought about what we really want this blog to be. We decided to create it as an appendix to the main one, which still is http://holycowsonmars.typepad.com/blog/. We will post here fragments of posts from main blog, things that we didn’t do at the main one, and also here will be all links to webs, blogs we like.

Polish corner:
Zastanawiałyśmy się jak wykorzystać stworzony tutaj blog, doszłyśmy do wniosku, że potraktujemy go, jako dodatek to naszego głównego bloga, którym nadal jest http://holycowsonmars.typepad.com/blog/. Będziemy zamieszczać tutaj fragmenty postów z głównego bloga, rzeczy, których nie miałyśmy okazji zamieścić wcześniej, a także linki do stron i blogów, które lubimy.
